Wednesday, May 19, 2010

I'll trade Pooh for a furry red monster.

So not too much has been going on lately. We are about 2 and 1/2 weeks through daddy's out of town work schedule. Bear will be 11 months next week-- holy guacamole-- and we've already started planning her little birthday celebration. I ordered her birthday cake from the same bakery that made our amazing wedding cake, Sweet Sensations Bakery. It will be a Winnie the Pooh themed cake and I can't wait to see it! The best part though is that we will be able to spend her birthday in Maine, which is very special to us. With in a three day period bear will celebrate her
first birthday with all of her aunts, uncles, cousins, and of course both grandmas and grandpas! All we'll be missing is Acadia, who will be vacationing at PetSmart's doggie hotel.

Next week we start our little ducklings swim class. I am so excited to get bear in the water! I love swimming and I hope she enjoys it, too! When bear was about 1 month old we took her to Palm Springs and let her splash her little feet in pool. She smiled the whole time, it was very obvious to us that she loved being in the water. I hope it has a similar effect on her when we start swimming class on Monday. I grew up taking swim lessons every summer and swam competitvely through out middle school and high school, and competed for my college diving team during my freshman year. I love swimming and plan on teaching bear on my own once she's old enough, but for now we'll learn from a teacher who can teach us how to
help bear get more comfy in the water.
~**Bear's favorite item in her toy box: Books!**~

In more immediate news: earlier this morning bear took her first cruising crash while pulling herself up with one of the chairs in the kitchen. The chair tipped back as bear pulled up and BOOM, she went right onto the floor :( I felt awful! I have to take some blame as I shouldn't have trusted the cheap Ikea chair to hold bear steady while she explored the kitchen. Poor bear-- bad mommy! Following her crash I decided to turn on Sesame St. and cuddled with her on the couch. One of the best things about bear (when she's not on the move) is th
at she's a cuddle bug. She cuddles with all of us as well as her soft Pooh and Minnie Mouse dolls. And lets not forget her soft soccer ball, which bear use to cuddle with, too until Acadia decided to rip that ball a new one while we were out shopping this afternoon... Acadia can't talk but she can always find an effective way of expressing her feeling when she's left behind... Sorry Acadia, you can't come shopping.

Any ways, on a regular morning we watch the last 15 minitues of Sesame St. so we can catch "Elmo's World," which I turn into "_ _ _ _'s world"(<----- Place bear's real name here) when I sing the song to her. Bear is in love with Elmo! She picks him out whenever we are in a toy store. And, if I tell her "It's time for Elmo," she comes to the TV and plops herself on my lap :D. Bear claps along with me as I sing with Elmo and his friends. As bear grows we'll start to watch more of the full show. I look forward to watching and interacting with her and the show once she can start to really understand TV.

Well that's all for now. Keep posted for updates on our swimming adventures!

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