Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Effects of Exercise on the Brain

Having trouble focusing at work? How about the kids? Are they struggling in school? Perhaps it's just a little exercise that you and your family need.

Research is showing that exercise not only plays a big role in our general health but it also plays a big role in our brian strength. It's not just muscle building, toning and fat burning that we're doing at the gym we're also building stronger connections between brain cells, increasing our focus and improving our efficiency.

After a good run I feel much more focused, I get more done around the house and I am overall more motivated to take on the day. So when I received this infographic from Online College Courses it made complete sense to me. If you follow the graph down to the bottom you can also see that exercise appears to have a big impact on our future success in regard to college and job placement. Just another good reason to stay motivated when it comes to being healthy for yourself and for your family.

Please take a look at the graph and pass it on. I think I'll be hanging it up on our fridge as a good reminder for those tough days when I don't feel like getting out for a run or some outdoor playtime with the little ones.

How Working Out Can Make You Smarter Infographic

Happy Exercising!

I was not paid to promote this infographic. The opinions are strictly my own. All research (including the infographic) was taken from OnlineCollegeCourses.com

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